研究方向:主要致力于呼吸中枢化学感受机制调控和胃肠功能神经调控机制的研究。主持国家自然科学基金及山东省基金项目与德国胃肠生理学家Michael Schemann 教授课题研究室进行合作研究,并参与了德国国家基金和欧盟第7框架基金支持的胃肠功能神经的调节机制课题研究。研究成果发表在Gastroenterology等学术刊物上。
1.Li Q*, Michel K*, Annahazi A, Demir IE, Ceyhan GO, Zeller F, Komorowski L, Stöcker W, Beyak MJ, Grundy D, Farrugia G, De Giorgio R, Schemann M. Anti-Hu antibodies activate enteric and sensory neurons. Sci Rep. 2016 Dec 1; 6: 38216
2.Ailin Xiao, Jing Li, Tianjian Liu, Zhuxi Liu, Chuanfei Wei, Xiaomeng Xu, Qin Li* and Jingxin Li*. L-Cysteine enhances nutrient absorption via a cystathionine-β-synthase-derived H2 S pathway in rodent jejunum. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2016 May; 43(5): 562-568
3.Piepgras J, Höltje M, Michel K, Li Q, Otto C, Drenckhahn C, Probst C, Schemann M, Jarius S, Stöcker W, Balint B, Meinck HM, Buchert R, Dalmau J, Ahnert-Hilger G, Ruprecht K. Anti-DPPX encephalitis: pathogenic effects of antibodies on gut and brain neurons. Neurology. 2015 Sep 8; 85(10): 890-7
4.Buhner S*, Braak B*, Li Q*, Kugler E M*, Klooker T, Wouters M, Donovan J, Vignali S, Mazzuoli-Weber G, Grundy D, Boeckxstaens G, Schemann M. Nerve activation by mucosal biopsy supernatants from irritable bowel syndrome patients is linked to visceral sensitivity. Exp Physiol 2014 Oct; 99(10):1299-1311(* Authors equally contributed to this work)
5.Buhner S*, Li Q*, Berger T, Vignali S, Barbara G, De Giorgio R, Stanghellini V, Schemann M. Submucous rather than myenteric neurons are activated by mucosal biopsy supernatants from irritable bowel syndrome patients. Neurogastroenterol Motil 2012; 24(12): 1134-e572(* Authors Buhner and Li contributed equally to this work)
6.Yu SY, Wang GM, Wang H, Zhang H, Li Q. Raphe pallidus modulates Bötzinger complex-induced inhibition of the phrenic nerve activity in rats. Eur J Neurosci 2011 Oct; 34(7): 1113-20
7.Schemann M, Hafsi N, Michel K, Kober OI, Wollmann J, Li Q, Zeller F, Langer R, Lee K, Cellek S. The beta3-adrenoceptor agonist GW427353 (solabegron) decreases excitability of human enteric neurons via release of somatostatin. Gastroenterology 2010; 138: 266-274
8.Buhner S, Li Q, Vignali S, Barbara G, De Giorgio R, Stanghellini V, Cremon C, Zeller F, Langer R, Daniel H, Michel K, Schemann M. Activation of human enteric neurons by supernatants of colonic biopsy specimens from patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Gastroenterology 2009; 137(4): 1425-34
9.Li Qin*, Gang Song. Afferent projection to the retrotrapezoid nucleus from respiratory related structures in the brainstem of babbit - a retrograde CB-HRP tracing study. Acta physiologica sinica 2001, 53 (5): 401-404
1. 人肠神经元PAR-1介导的信号传导通路在IBD发生发展中的作用(国家自然科学基金,面上项目,2018. 01-2021. 12, NO: 81770542, 主持)
2. 炎症性肠病的粘膜-ENS-信号传导:肠粘膜活性成分对肠内在神经元活动的影响(山东省科技发展计划项目,2010.1-2012.12, NO: 2010GSF10238, 主持)
3. 炎症性肠病的粘膜-ENS-信号传导:人肠粘膜活性成分对肠内在神经元活动的作用(济南市高校自主创新计划,2010-2012, NO: 201004052, 主持)
4. Pathophysiology of irritable bowel syndrome: effects of biopsy supernatants in enteric nervous system (2007-2009: DFG: Sche 267/7-1, 参加)
5. EC 7th framework “Intestinal proteases: opportunities for drug discovery” (2008-2011: IPODD, 参加)
6. AMPA受体磷酸化修饰对外周化学感受性反射作用的研究(山东省科技发展计划项目,2002.1-2006.12, NO: 21300004010307, 主持)
联系方式:Email: liqin@sdu.edu.cn