于书彦教授长期从事抑郁症、焦虑症等神经精神类疾病的研究。主要运用电生理膜片钳、病毒示踪、基因工程、形态学及行为学分析等技术手段,从分子、细胞和环路等层次解析抑郁症的神经生物学发病机制及实验性治疗新策略。作为通讯作者在Science Advances, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Molecular Therapy, Brain Behavior and Immunity等国际著名期刊发表SCI论文30余篇。先后主持国家自然科学基金5项、省部级科研项目、山东省重大专项等20余项。获得山东省教学成果二等奖、山东省生理学教学设计比赛一等奖、山东大学教学成果一等奖、国家级一流本科课程等。培养的历届研究生获得山东省研究生创新成果一等奖、山东大学校长奖学金、研究生国家奖学金(7人次)、山东大学学术之星、山东大学优秀研究生学术成果奖、山东省优秀硕士论文等荣誉称号。
联系地址:济南市文化西路44号山东大学医学院生理学系 250012
1999-2002 山东大学医学院生理学系 硕士
2005-2008 山东大学医学院生理学系 博士
2006-2007 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学脑研究所 公派访问学者
2002-2016 山东大学医学院生理学系 讲师/副教授,硕士研究生导师
2016-至今 山东大学医学院生理学系 教授,博士研究生导师
1. 神经系统应激以及抑郁症等神经、精神类疾病的发病机制
2. 神经突触可塑性,及其在抑郁症发病中的作用及机制
3. 抗抑郁药物作用的细胞与分子机制
1. CUL4A介导的NHE1泛素化降解调控神经突触可塑性参与抑郁症发病的机制研究 (2023.1-2026.12: 国家自然基金(面上基金)基金号:82271566)
2. 小胶质细胞外泌体miR-146a-5p通过KLF4/CDK5途径调控抑郁症大鼠海马神经发生 (No:82071513,2021.1-2024.12: 国家自然基金 面上基金)
3. 小胶质细胞源性IL-1β通过SSH1/Cofilin调控突触可塑性介导抑郁症发病的机制研究 (No:81873796,2018.1-2022.12: 国家自然基金 面上基金)
4. miRNA-134介导的突触可塑性调节在抑郁症发病中的作用及机制研究 (No:81471371,2015.1-2018.12: 国家自然基金 面上基金)
5.谷氨酸受体介导的突触可塑性在抑郁症发病中的作用与机制。(No:81101006,2012.1-2014.12 国家自然基金 青年基金)
6. IL-1β介导的神经可塑性调节在抑郁症发病与治疗中的机制研究 (No:2018GSF118050,2018.1 – 2019.12: 山东省重点研发计划)
7. 类脑计算关键技术及其多模态信息处理应用 (No:2017CXGC1504,2017.1-2019.12: 山东省重大科技创新工程项目(子课题))
8. MiRNA224-3P介导自噬相关蛋白调控胶质瘤干细胞干性对放化疗敏感性的研究 (No:2018JC008,2018.01-2020.12:山东大学基本科研业务费交叉学科培育项目)
9. 应用微丝电极阵列模块研究抑郁症的发病机制及其药物治疗(No:2015GGH318024,2015.1-2016.12: 山东省重点研发计划)
10.SIRT1调控抑郁症大鼠杏仁核突触可塑性的研究 (No:2014T70650 2014.10-2016.10: 中国博士后科学基金特别资助)
11.ERK信号途径诱导的AMPA受体迁移在焦虑症发病中的作用与机制。(No:BS2010SW021,2010 - 2013 山东省优秀中青年科学家奖励基金)
12.ERK介导的神经结构可塑性在抑郁症发病中的作用及机制。(No: 2012M521348,2012.10 - 2014.10 中国博士后面上科学基金)
13.杏仁核神经元网络突触可塑性在抑郁症发病中的作用与机制研究。(No: 201202046,2012-2014 济南市科学技术局高校院所创新基金)
14.AMPA型谷氨酸受体迁移在焦虑症发病中的作用与机制。(No: 2010TS091,2010-2012 山东大学自主创新基金)
代表性学术论文 (*为通讯作者)
1. Ye Li, Cuiqin Fan, Changmin Wang , Liyan Wang, Yuhang Yi, Xueqin Mao, Xiao Chen, Tian Lan, Wenjing Wang, Shu Yan Yu﹡. Stress-induced reduction of Na+/ H+ exchanger isoform 1 promotes maladaptation of neuroplasticity and exacerbates depressive behaviors. Science Advances. 2022 Nov 11;8(45):eadd7063.
2. Cuiqin Fan, Ye Li, Tian Lan, Wenjing Wang, Yifei Long, Shu Yan Yu﹡. Microglia secrete miR-146a-5p-containing exosomes to regulate neurogenesis in depression. Molecular Therapy. 2022, March 02, 30(3): 1300-1314.
3. Changmin Wang, Ye Li, Yuhang Yi, Guiyu Liu, Ruojing Guo, Liyan Wang, Tian Lan, Wenjing Wang, Xiao Chen, Shihong Chen, Shu Yan Yu﹡. Hippocampal microRNA-26a-3p deficit contributes to neuroinfammation and behavioral disorders via p38 MAPK signaling pathway in rats. J Neuroinflammation. 2022 Nov 24;19(1):283.
4. Tian Lan, Yuhan Wu, Yulei Zhang, Shuhan Li, Zhanpeng Zhu, Liyan Wang, Xueqin Mao, Ye Li, Cuiqin Fan, Wenjing Wang, Shu Yan Yu﹡. Agomelatine rescues lipopolysaccharide-induced neural injury and depression-like behaviors via suppression of the Gαi-2-PKA-ASK1 signaling pathway. J Neuroinflammation. 2022 May 24;19(1):117.
5. Ye Li, Cuiqin Fan, Liyan Wang, Tian Lan, Rui Gao, Wenjing Wang, Shu Yan Yu﹡. MicroRNA-26a-3p rescues depression-like behaviors in male rats via preventing hippocampal neuronal anomalies. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2021 August 16; 131(16): e148853. PubMed
6. Ye Li, Cuiqin Fan, Rui Gao, Tian Lan, Wenjing Wang, Shu Yan Yu﹡. Hippocampal miR-211-5p regulates neurogenesis and depression-like behaviors in the rat. Neuropharmacology. 2021 Aug 15; 194:108618. PubMed
7. Jie Shen, Ping Zhang, Ye Li, Cuiqin Fan, Tian Lan, Wenjing Wang, Shu Yan Yu﹡. Neuroprotective effects of microRNA-211-5p on chronic stress-induced neuronal apoptosis and depression-like behaviors. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2021 Jul;25(14):7028-7038. PubMed
8. Song Q, Feng YB, Wang L, Shen J, Li Y, Fan C, Wang P, Shu Yan Yu*. COX-2 inhibition rescues depression-like behaviors via suppressing glial activation, oxidative stress and neuronal apoptosis in rats. Neuropharmacology. 2019, December 1, 160: 107779. PunMed
9. Wang P, Feng YB, Wang L, Li Y, Fan C, Song Q, Shu Yan Yu*. Interleukin-6: Its role and mechanisms in rescuing depression-like behaviors in rat models of depression. Brain Behav Immun. 2019 Nov; 82:106-121. PubMed
10. Song Q, Fan C, Wang P, Li Y, Yang M, Shu Yan Yu*. Hippocampal CA1 βCaMKII mediates neuroinflammatory responses via COX-2/PGE2 signaling pathways in depression. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 2018 Dec 08;15:338 PubMed
11. Fan C, Zhu X, Song Q, Wang P, Liu Z, Shu Yan Yu*. MiR-134 modulates chronic stress-induced structural plasticity and depression-like behaviors via downregulation of Limk1/cofilin signaling in rats. Neuropharmacology. 2018, 131: 364–376. PubMed
12. Zhu X, Gao R, Liu Z, Cheng Z, Qi Y, Fan C, Shu Yan Yu*. Ginsenoside Rg1 reverses stress-induced depression-like behaviors and BDNF expression within the prefrontal cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience. Volume44, July 2016, 1878-1885. PubMed
13. Liu Z, Qi Y, Cheng Z, Zhu X, Fan C, Shu Yan Yu*. The effects of ginsenoside Rg1 on chronic stress induced depression-like behaviors, BDNF expression and the phosphorylation of PKA and CREB in rats. Neuroscience. Volume 322, 13 May 2016, 358–369. PubMed
14. Zhang L, Luo JX, Zhang M, Yao W, Ma X, Shu Yan Yu*. Effects of curcumin on chronic unpredictable mild stress-induced depressive-like behavior and structural plasticity in the lateral amygdala of rats. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2014 May; 17(05):793-806 PubMed
15. Luo JX, Zhang L, Ning NN, Jiang H, Shu Yan Yu*. Neotrofin reverses the effects of chronic unpredictable mild stress on behavior via regulating BDNF, PSD-95 and synaptophysin expression in rat. Behavioural Brain Research. 2013, 253:48-53. PubMed
16. Lin Zhang, Tianyuan Xu, Shuang Wang, Lanqing Yu, Dexiang Liu, Renzhi Zhan, Shu Yan Yu*. NMDA GluN2B receptors involved in the antidepressant effects of curcumin in the forced swim test. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2013, 40: 12–17. PubMed
17. Shu Yan Yu, Zhang M, Luo J, Zhang L, Shao Y, Li G*. Curcumin ameliorates memory deficits via neuronal nitric oxide synthase in aged mice. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2013, 45:47-53. PubMed
18. Shu Yan Yu*, Gao R, Zhang L,Luo J, Jiang H, Wang S. Curcumin ameliorates ethanol-induced memory deficits and enhanced brain nitric oxide synthase activity in mice. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2013, 44:210-6. PubMed
19. Lin Zhang, Tianyuan Xu, Shuang Wang, Lanqing Yu, Dexiang Liu, Renzhi Zhan, Shu Yan Yu*. Curcumin produces antidepressant effects via activating MAPK/ERK- dependent brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in the amygdala of mice. Behavioural Brain Research. 2012, 235(1):67-72. PubMed
20. Lin Zhang, Hui Wang, Qin Li, Renzhi Zhan, Shu Yan Yu*. Purinergic modulation of hypoxic regulation via the rostral ventral lateral medulla in rats. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 2012, 184(1): 48-54. PubMed
21. Shu Yan Yu*, Wang G, Wang H, Zhang H, Li Q. Raphe pallidus modulate Bötzinger complex induced inhibition of the phrenic nerve activity in rats. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2011, 34(7):1113-20. PubMed
22. Shu Yan Yu*, Wu DC, Zhan RZ. GluN2B subunits of the NMDA receptor contribute to the AMPA receptor internalization during long-term depression in the lateral amygdala of juvenile rats. Neuroscience. 2010, 171(4):1102-8. PubMed
23. Shu Yan Yu, Wu DC, Liu L, Ge Y, Wang YT *. Role of AMPA receptor trafficking in NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic plasticity in the rat lateral amygdala. Journal of Neurochemistry. 2008, 106(2):889-99. PubMed